The façade of the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in 1621, with the projection of the works on the left side
The architectonic view of the façade of Santa Maria Maggiore basilica taken from De Angeli's work shows, beside the late Thirteenth century mosaics by Filippo Rusuti, the recent realization of the right side palace by Flaminio Ponzio during the pontificate of Paul V, and the palace to build, specular to the existing one, on the left side of the front façade, whose completion had to wait the Eighteenth century.
Orientalis facies Liberianae Basilicae cum orthographia tum nobilis sacelli aediumque perelegantium ad dexteram porticus canonicorum usibus a Paulo V pont. max. adiunctarum tum quae ad laevam construendae eiusdem sanctiss. domini erga deiperam eximia pietate ut spes est respondebunt, in: Paolo de Angeli, Basilicae S. Mariae Maioris de Urbe a Liberio papa I usque ad Paulum V pont. max. descriptio et delineatio..., Roma 1621