Notice of 28 July 1749, signed by vicar cardinal Giovanni Antonio Guadagni, announcing the "second mission" of Leonardo da Porto Maurizio
On 13 July 1749 father Leonardo from Porto Maurizio, summoned to Rome by Benedict XIV to "better dispose Roman citizens to acquire the jubilee", had started in Piazza Navona a series of "holy missions", fourteen days of articulate offices which included moments of preaching, catechesis, liturgy and penance. On 28 July, at the end of the "first mission", cardinal vicar Guadagni announced the start of a "second mission" for the next 3 August, to take place beyond the river, in piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere.
Vicariate of Rome, Seconda notificazione per le sante missioni (28 luglio 1749), Roma 1749